RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024: राजस्थान कनिष्ठ अनुदेशक का आधिकारिक सिलेबस और एग्जाम पैटर्न का पीडीएफ हुआ जारी

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RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024: राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड द्वारा कुछ समय पहले राजस्थान में कनिष्ठ अनुदेशक (Junior Instructor) के विभिन्न व्यवसाय के पदों पर सीधी भर्ती के लिए आधिकारिक अधिसूचना के तहत ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए है। बोर्ड द्वारा जूनियर इंस्ट्रक्टर भर्ती के नोटिफिकेशन के साथ-साथ जूनियर इंस्ट्रक्टर सिलेबस का सिलेबस भी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी कर दिया है।

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Vacancy 2024

जो कोई भी युवा जूनियर इंस्ट्रक्टर के पदों पर नौकरी पाने के इच्छुक थे और पिछले कुछ समय से इस रिक्ति का इंतजार कर रहे थे, उनके लिए RSMSSB ने राजस्थान कौशल, नियोजन और उद्यमिता विभाग के लिए 1821 कनिष्ठ अनुदेशक के पदों पर अधिसूचना जारी की है।

DepartmentRajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB)
Post NameJunior Instructor
Number of Posts1821
Mode of ApplicationOnline
PayPay Matrix L-10
Selection ProcessComputer Based Test (CBT)

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Exam Pattern 2024

राजस्थान कनिष्ठ अनुदेशक की चयन प्रक्रिया में एक कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा (सीबीटी) शामिल होगी। यह सीबीटी वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार की होगी और इसमें बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न होंगे। सीबीटी का पाठ्यक्रम पद की शैक्षणिक योग्यता और ट्रेड के अनुसार होगा। जो उम्मीदवार सीबीटी में सफल होंगे उन्हें दस्तावेज सत्यापन के लिए बुलाया जाएगा।

प्रश्न पत्रअंकअधिकतम अंकसमय
भाग-अ :- सामान्य ज्ञान: राजस्थान का इतिहास, कला एवं संस्कृति, परम्पराऐं, विरासत, राजस्थान का भूगोल, राजस्थान की राजनीतिक एवं प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था
भाग-ब :-व्यवसाय

1202 घण्टे
  1. प्रश्न पत्र में बहुविकल्पीय प्रकार के प्रश्न होंगे व सभी प्रश्नों के अंक समान होंगे।
  2. परीक्षा में न्यूनतम पासिंग मार्क 40 प्रतिशत है। इससे कम अंक प्राप्त करने वाले अभ्यर्थी नियुक्ति के लिए पात्र नहीं होंगे।
  3. किसी प्रश्न विशेष के गलत उत्तर के लिए परीक्षार्थी के प्राप्तांकों में से उस प्रश्न के पूर्णांक का एक-तिहाई अंक (1/3) अंक काटा जावेगा।

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024

RSMSSB द्वारा राजस्थान में जूनियर इंस्ट्रक्टर के पदों पर होने वाली भर्ती परीक्षा के लिए आधिकारिक सिलेबस का पीडीएफ भी जारी कर दिया गया है। इसमें कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा के लिए प्रश्न पत्र के दो भाग रहेंगे: जिसमें पहले भाग में आपसे सामान्य ज्ञान और दूसरे भाग में संबंधित ट्रेड यानी कि व्यवसाय से प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे। 

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024: सामान्य ज्ञान

इन सभी पदों पर बोर्ड द्वारा आयोजित किए जाने वाली कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा के पहला भाग का सिलेबस सभी पदों के लिए समान रहेगा, लेकिन दूसरे भाग का सिलेबस सभी पदों के लिए अलग-अलग व्यवसाय के आधार पर रहेगा।

राजस्थान का इतिहास, कला एवं संस्कृति, साहित्य, परम्पराऐं एवं विरासत
1. राजस्थान के इतिहास के प्रमुख स्त्रोत
2. राजस्थान की प्रमुख प्रागैतिहासिक सभ्यताऐं
3. राजस्थान के प्रमुख राजवंश एवं उनकी उपलब्धियां
4. मुगल-राजपूत संबंध
5. स्थापत्य कला की प्रमुख विशेषताऐं
6. महत्वपूर्ण किले, स्मारक एवं संरचनायें
7. राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन एवं लोक देवी-देवता
8. राजस्थान की प्रमुख चित्रकलाऐं, शैलियां एवं हस्तशिल्प
9. राजस्थानी भाषा एवं साहित्य की प्रमुख कृतियां, क्षेत्रीय बोलियां
10. मेले, त्यौहार, लोक संगीत, लोक नृत्य, वाद्ययंत्र एवं आभूषण
11. राजस्थानी संस्कृति, परंपरा एवं विरासत
12. महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थल
13. राजस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व
14. राजस्थान की रियासतें एवं ब्रिटिश संधिया, 1857 का जन-आंदोलन
15. कृषक एवं जन-जाति आंदोलन, प्रजामंडल आंदोलन
16. राजस्थान का एकीकरण
17. राजस्थान का राजनीतिक जनजागरण एवं विकास-महिलाओं के विशेष संदर्भ में
राजस्थान का भूगोल
1. स्थिति का विस्तार
2. मुख्य भौतिक विभाग :- मरूस्थलीय प्रदेश, अरावली पर्वतीय प्रदेश, मैदानी प्रदेश, पठारी प्रदेश
3. अपवाह तन्त्र
4. जलवायु
5. मृदा
6. प्राकृतिक वनस्पति
7. वन एवं वन्य जीव संरक्षण
8. पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकीय मुद्दे
9. मरूस्थलीकरण
10. कृषि-जलवायु प्रदेश एवं प्रमुख फसलें
11. पशुधन
12. बहुउद्देशीय परियोजनाऐं
13. सिंचाई परियोजनाऐं
14. जल संरक्षण
15. परिवहन
16. खनिज सम्पदाऐं
राजस्थान की राजनीतिक एवं प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था
1. राजस्थान में स्थानीय नगरीय स्वशासन
2. 74वां संविधान संशोधन विधेयक
3. राज्यपाल, राजस्थान विधानसभा, मुख्यमंत्री, जिला प्रशासन, लोकायुक्त
4. राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग
5. राज्य सूचना आयोग
6. राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग
7. राजस्थान लोक सेवा गारन्टी अधिनियम 2011

RSMSSB Junior Instructor Syllabus 2024: व्यवसाय


Architectural Drawing and Building Codesa) Importance of B.I.S.
b) Introduction to code for practice of architectural and building drawings
c) Layout of drawing, lines, lettering, and dimensioning
Building Materialsa) Knowledge of different scales and principles of R.F.
b) Study of stones, bricks, lime, pozzolanic, and cement.
c) Different types of projection views.
d) Different types of building materials-sand, clay, mortar & concrete, timber, plywood, tar, bitumen & asphalt. Their properties & uses.
e) Paints, varnishes, metal & plastic. Their properties & uses.
Building Construction and Masonrya) Stone masonry, brick masonry, and composite masonry.
b) Foundation types and construction sequence.
c) Types of shoring, scaffolding, and underpinning.
d) Bearing capacity of soils.
e) Dead loads and live loads.
Building Construction Continueda) Treatment of building structures, DPC, damp proofing materials, and anti termite treatment.
b) Carpentry joints, doors, windows, and ventilators.
c) Introduction to electrical wiring safety precautions & first aid.
d) Wiring materials, electrical fittings.
e) Types of flooring.
Carpentry joints, doors, windows, and ventilatorsa) Explanation of carpentry joints b) Doors, windows, ventilators c) Electrical wiring safety precautions, first aid, wiring materials, electrical fittings, types of flooring
Stairs, Roofs, and D Modelinga) Stairs planning and designing.
b) Introduction to roofs, trusses, and roof coverings.
c)Basic concept of lift, escalator, and D modeling in CAD.
Surveying and Levelinga) Introduction to chain survey, compass survey, plane table survey and leveling, contouring
b) Theodolite survey, building planning principles, local building bye-laws
Building Planning and Prefabricated Structures, computer-aided draftinga) Building planning, economy, orientation, drainage
b) Prefabricated structure preparation, construction, advantages, disadvantages
c) CAD operating system, hardware, software, commands
Advanced Topics: 3D Modeling, Parks, and Earthquake Resistant Buildingsa) 3D modeling in CAD
b) Parks, playgrounds, landscaping
c) Design of earthquake-resistant buildings
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) and Steel Structuresa) Introduction to RCC, materials, proportions, formwork
b) Bar bending details, method of mixture, slump test
c) RCC structures-columns, beams, slabs, RCC frame, water treatment plant, sewerage treatment plant,
d) steel structures-sections, fasteners, joints, fabrication
House Drainage, Roads, Bridges, and Railwaysa) House drainage, plumbing, sanitary fittings, sewer systems
b) Roads, bridges, culverts, railways
Irrigation Engineeringa) Terms in irrigation, hydrology, reservoirs, dams, barrages
b) Hydroelectric projects, canals, cross drainage works
Estimating and Costinga) Introduction, purpose, techniques of estimating and costing
b) Rate analysis, government schedule of rate c) Estimating irregular boundaries
Total Station and GPSa) Introduction to Total Station, components, characteristics, working
b) Introduction to GPS, coordinate system, signals, survey methods


Foundation and Safetya) Safety practices: safety rules, first aid, hazard identification and prevention, Factory and personal safety (PPES), response to emergency, safety signs, fire and fire extinguishers.
b) Concept of standards and trade tools: understanding BIS/ISI standards, trade tool specifications.
c) Electrical code: overview of electrical code-2011.
d) Allied trades: introduction to fitting, tools, and related safety precautions, description, and specifications of various tools.
e) Fundamentals of electricity- definitions, units and effects of electric current, conductors, insulators, and semiconductors their description, work power energy.
Wiring and circuitsa) Soldering and joints- techniques of soldering, various joints in electrical conductors.
b) Underground cables- description, types, joints and testing procedures, cable insulation and voltage grades.
c) Electrical circuits- ohm’s law, kirchoff’s laws and circuit problems, series, parallel circuits, and open/short circuits in series and parallel networks.
d) Resistance and resistors- laws of resistance; types of resistors, method of measurement of resistors such as ammeter-voltmeter method, Wheatstone bridge etc.
e) Magnet descriptions types, magnetic terms, magnetism, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction Lenz law, and induced emf, inductors, electromagnetism terms, eddy current and hysteresis. 
f) Capacitors – capacitor types and functions, grouping and uses.
g) Fundamentals of AC and AC circuits- AC and DC, advantages of DC and AC systems, frequency, waveforms etc., RL, RC, RLC, series and parallel AC circuits.
h) Poly-phase systems- star-delta connections and phase sequences, power and power factor, power and energy measurement.
Cells and Batterya) Chemical effect of current and cells: explanations of anode and cathode, law of electrolysis, types of cell, advantage and disadvantage and their application, grouping of cells.
b) Battery: description, principle of operation and components, types, care and maintenance and testing, electroplating and cathodic.
Wiring Systems and Measuring Instrumentsa) Electrical wiring: rules on electrical wiring, types of domestic and industrial wirings.
b) Wiring system and method, wiring accessories, planning, and load estimation.
c) Earthing: importance, methods, measurement of earth resistance and leakage circuit breaker.
d) Illumination: laws of illuminations, illuminations terms, types of illumination, calculations, lamps, and fitting.
e) Electrical instruments: classification and usage of instruments, measurement of electrical parameters, errors, and calibration.
Measurement and Componentsa) Domestic equipment, descriptions: working principles of domestic appliances; neutral and earth concepts.
b) Transformers: descriptions, definitions, working principles, construction type, emf equation, transformation ratio test losses efficiency, regulation, safety devices, parallel operation, connection of 3 phase transformers, auto transformation, CT PT their description.
c) Electronics components: construction and description – diode, transistor, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and IGBT, oscilloscope working principles.
Control and Motorsa) Control circuits: layout drawing understanding; control elements, wiring accessories, and testing.
b) Motor control: ac/dc drive applications; 3-phase motor speed control using vvvf/ac drive.
c) Power control: voltage stabilizer, battery charger, emergency light, inverter, and ups.
Energy Sources and Transmissiona) Energy sources: conventional and non-conventional sources; power generation by thermal, hydel, solar, and wind.
b) Transmission and distribution: networks, insulators, and conductor joining methods; safety precautions and IE rules for domestic service connections.
c) Protection systems: types of relays, circuit breakers, and arc quenching.
d) EV charging: EV scenario in India, EV charging basic theory and safety requirements.
Electrical Machinesa) AC and DC generator and motor: construction, working principle, types, applications.
b) Characteristics, starter and speed control method.
Windinga) AC winding: terms, types, testing, winding material.
b) DC winding: terms, types, testing, winding material.


Occupational Safety & Health Legislationa) Overview of Occupational Safety & Health legislations and regulations.
Hand Tools and Metalworkinga) Identification, specifications, and uses of different types of hand tools.
b) IT Tools
Basic Electrical Conceptsa) Basic terms: electric charges, potential difference, voltage, current, resistance.
b) Basics of AC & DC, terms like +ve cycle, -ve cycle, frequency, and time period.
c) Insulators, conductors, semiconductors, different types of electrical switches, cables, and connectors.
d) Single-phase and three-phase supply.
Electrical Measurementa) Principles of electrical and electronic measuring instruments, their characteristics & errors.
b) Principles and parts of simple meters.
c) Cells & batteries, types, construction, charging process, and efficiency.
Soldering and Desolderinga) Different types of soldering guns, temperature, and wattages.
b) Solder materials, flux, and other related materials.
Basic Electronics Componentsa) Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law.
b) Active and passive components, types, construction, color-coding, and power rating.
c) Principles of induction, inductive reactance, and types of inductors.
d) Capacitance, capacitive reactance, types of capacitors, and impedance.
e) Properties of magnets, electromagnetism, and relays & fuses.
Semiconductor Devicesa) Semiconductor materials, semiconductor devices, PN junction.
b) Different types of diodes, rectifier configurations, and filter circuits.
c) Forward/reverse biasing of diodes.
d) Transistors, types, construction, and applications, Amplifiers & Oscillators.
e) FET, JFET, MOSFET, IGBT, and their characteristics.
Digital Electronicsa) Analog vs Digital signals.
b) Number systems (Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, etc.).
c) Various logic gates and their truth tables.
d) Combinational logic circuits, Adders, Subtractor, Decoders, and Multiplexer.
e) Flip-flops and their applications.
f) Digital measuring meters.
Op-Amps and Applicationsa) Principle and working of Op-Amp and IC 555 timer.
b) Ideal characteristics, advantages, and applications.
Computer Hardware and Networkinga) Computer peripherals, motherboard, CPU, RAM & ROM & monitors.
b) Different types of printers, HDD, DVD, and computer ports.
c) Different types of Operating System, file management, Application & Utility Software.
d) Computer networking, network features, topologies, and protocols.
Surface Mount Technology (SMT)a) SMT, advantages, and components.
b) Soldering of SMT assemblies, reflow soldering.
c) Static charges, ESD prevention, and non-soldering interconnections.
d) Rework and repair concepts for PCBS.
e) PGA (Programmable Gate Array Packages).
Solar Power and Renewable Energya) Solar cells, conversion of solar radiation to electricity Test Equipment.
b) Principles of photovoltaic cells and PV characteristics, Solar Cell Constructions.
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)a) Discussion on identified projects related to IoT.
b) Architecture of IoT.
Telecommunications and Mobile Technologya) Mobile communication and cell phones CDMA, GSM.
b) Types of LED panels used in lighting applications.
c) Principles of LCD and LED TVs, 3D TV and remote control operation.
d) Modulation, Demodulation, PAM, PWM & PPM Techniques.
Microcontroller 8051a) Architecture & Applications of 8051.
b) Types of Sensors (RTD, LVDT, Thermocouple, LDR, Photocell.
c) RIFD, WIFI, Bluetooth Technologies.
Fiber Optical Communicationa) Optical Amplifier, Properties, Advantages.
b) Optical Cables, Joints, Measuring Tools and Equipment.


Soft skills and safety practices1. Soft skill and job area, safety and precautions, first aid and emergency response, housekeeping and 5-S concepts.
2. Health, safety and environment regulations, hot work, confined space and material handling Equipment.
Measurement and measuring tools1. Measuring standard and measuring tools and their uses.
Marking and marking tools1. Types of marking, marking media, marking tools and workshop layout.
Common hand Tools1. Various types of hand tools and their uses.
Cutting tools, equipment, and machineries1. Various types of cutting tools, equipment, and machineries and their uses.
Types of Drilling machines, power saw, Band saw, Circular Saw, and metal cutting machine1. Drilling Machines and accessories, processes, countersinking, counter Boring, etc.
2. Cutting speed, cutting feed, drilling times, and calculations.
3. Types of Drill, Reamer, Tap and Dies.
Screw threads1. Screw threads terminology parts and their uses.
Metals1. Physical properties of engineering metal (Ferrous and Non-ferrous), their uses, steel.
Precision measuring instrument1. Precision measuring instruments and their uses.
Sheet metals1. Safety precautions, Sheet metals tools and machinery, sheet size, various types of joints and sheet wire gauge, solder and soldering, Rivet types and uses.
Welding1. Safety precautions, welding tools, equipment, and machinery. 2. Various types of weld joints and Welding Machine process, Arc and Oxy Acetylene welding process.
Grinder machine and Grinder Wheel1. Grinder, Grinding Wheel types, Properties and classifications.
Gauges2. Types of Gauges and their uses.
Sine bar use and calculation methods
Lathe machine1. Specifications, Main parts, Various types of lathe operation, Cutting Tool and Accessories.
Maintenance1. Type of Maintenance, installation, Assembling Techniques.
Fastening and Power Tools1. Screws- Material, Designation, Specifications
2. Tools for Tightening/Loosening of Screws or Bolts
3. Torque Wrench and Screw Joint Calculation Uses
4. Special nuts, bolts, and washer, Foundation bolt, key and cotters and Assembling technique.
Heat Treatment1. Normalizing, Annealing, Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Normalizing, Case Hardening and Carburizing etc.
Surface Coatings1. Surface Coatings types and their uses.
Bearing1. Types of bearing classification and their uses.
Pipes and Pipe Fitting1. Pipe fitting tools, equipment, joints, pipe bending methods and fixture.
Power Transmission1. Type of power transmission, Type of drive, Advantage and disadvantage on working application.
Gears and Gear Maintenance1. Power Transmission by Gears: Spur Gear, Helical Gear, Bevel Gearing
2. Repair of Gear Teeth, Method of Fixing Geared Wheels
3. Care and Maintenance of Gears
Fluid Power Systems1. Overview of Pneumatics and Hydraulics- Pneumatic Actuators, Hydraulic Components, Filters, Pipes, Tubing, Hoses, Fittings
2. Boyle’s Law and Pascal’s Law 3. Compressed Air Generation, Conditioning, Safety Precautions
System Maintenance and Troubleshooting1. Preventive Maintenance & Troubleshooting of Pneumatic & Hydraulic Systems
2. Importance of Technical English Terms in Industry
Lubrication1. Lubrication and Lubricants: Purpose, Types, Uses and properties
2. Method of Lubrication, Cutting Lubricants, and Coolants
Gauges Lifting Appliances1. Gauges and Types Commonly Used in Gauging Finished Products
2. Erection Tools, Lifting Appliances and its Practical Methods


Safety and Equipment Handling1. Safety Precautions & Norms.
2. First Aid and Artificial Respiration.
3. Electrical Safety.
Electrical Components and Circuits1. Measuring Instruments and IT Tools.
2. Active and Passive Components. Simple Circuits AC & DC, Transformers, Voltage Regulators.
3. Semiconductor Devices, Diodes, Transistors, and other Components & their Applications (Different types of Rectifiers, Filter Circuits, Amplifier & Oscillators).
Digital Electronics1. Number Systems, Logic Gates and Flip-Flops.
2. A/D & D/A Converters, Shift Registers and K Maps.
3. Various types of Counters and Various Electronic Components.
4. Oscilloscope (CRO).
Batteries and Power Supply1. Battery Types, Charging Methods, and Maintenance
2. Calibration Procedures, Precautions of Battery and Inverters
3. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and Specifications
4. Switch mode Power Supply (SMPS)
Computer Systems and Components1. Introduction to Computers, Generations and types of Computers 2. Peripherals of Computers Motherboard, Processors, Hard Drives and Memory Devices.
3. CMOS Settings and Disk Management
4. Different types of Sensors & their Applications.
5. Microprocessor Architecture.
Software and Operating Systems1. System and Application Software’s, Installation & Uninstallations.
2. Operating Systems, GUI and Utilities Software.
3. Installation of Device Drivers.
4. Legal Aspects of IT Acts.
Networking and Internet1. Computer Networks, Topologies, Communication Media, Modem, Routers & Switches.
2. Protocols, IP Addressing, VLANs and Network Security
3. Internet, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Laws and Protocols of Internet.
4. Web Browsers, Websites & Email.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting1. PC and laptop Maintenance and Preventive Measures.
2. Troubleshooting of computer Hardware and Software.
3. Repair different Devices of Computers.
4. Different types of Printer, Plotter & Scanner.
Advanced Topics1. Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Mobile OS
2. Advanced Troubleshooting techniques of Network.
3. Network Surveillance, Collaboration and Remote Management
4. RRAS Policies, IAS in remote Access.
Server Administration1. Server Concepts, Server Hardware and Configuration
2. Active Directory, DNS & DHCP Protocols.
3. Web Servers, Messaging Services and Backup/ Recovery.
4. Public and Data Directories, SWAT and Server Authentication.
Network Traffic Management1. Managing Network Traffic and Connectivity Issues.
2. Server Services and Configuration Plans OSI Model.
3. Security Considerations for Web Servers and Messaging.
4. Network Cables Connectors, Types, Properties & Characteristics.
Linux and Open Source1. Introduction to Linux and Commands
2. Linux File System, Shell Scripting, and Open-Source Tools
3. Troubleshooting and Repairing of Operating Systems.
Network Security1. Modern Network Security Threats & Protocols.
2. Secure Administrative Access and LAN Security
3. Cryptography, Wi-Fi Security and VPN Concepts
Smart Devices1. Working Principle applications of LED Monitors/screen, Touch Panels & Multimedia Devices,
2. Different types of Cameras, MIC & Speakers.


Introduction & Overview of Trade1. Overview of the Mechanic Diesel trade.
Concept of Housekeeping & Safety Methoda) Elementary First Aid
b) Occupational Safety & Health
c) Personal Safety & Safety Precautions
d) Safe Disposal of Used Engine Oil Electrical Safety Tips Safe Handling of Fuel Spillage Safe Disposal of Toxic Dust Safe Handling and Periodic Testing of Lifting Equipment
Classification/ Description and care of Hand Tools & Equipmenta) Cleaning Tools
b) Use of Surface Plates, Steel Rule, Measuring Tape, Try Square
c) Calipers, Dividers, Surface Gauges, Scriber
d) Punches, Chisels, Hammers
e) Screwdrivers, Allen Key, Bench Vice, C clamps
f) Spanners, Sockets, Pliers, Ratchet, Circlip Pliers
g) Air Impact Wrench, Torque Wrench, Pipe Wrench, Pullers
h) Stud Remover and Extractor
i) Cutting Tools and Drilling Machines
j) Drill, Hand-Reamers, Hacksaw, and different types of files
k) Tap and Dies
Measuring Tools and Precision Equipmenta) Micrometers and Vernier Caliper
b) Telescope Gauges, Vacuum Gauges, Feeler Gauge, Dial Bore Gauges, Thread Pitch Gauge
c) Multi Scan Tool and Oscilloscope for automotive diagnostics
Fundamental of Electricitya)Basic Electricity Principles
b) Fuses & Circuit Breakers, Conductors, Insulator
c) Batteries & Cells, Magnetic Effects, Heating Effects
d) Voltmeter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter, Multi-meter
e) Wires, Shielding
f) Ballast Resistor, Stripping Wire Insulation
g) Cable Colour Codes and Sizes
h) Electromagnetic Induction, Relays, Solenoids and Transformers
Operational Knowledge of Hydraulics & Pneumatics Equipment
Engine Overview, Detailed Classification of IC & EC Engine
Components of Engine
Study of various Gauges/instruments used for the engine
Description and Types of Engine Intake and Exhaust Systema) Turbo Charger, Super Charger
b) Catalytic Converters, Electronics mufflers
c) Air Compressors, Exhauster, Intercoolers
Types of Fuel Feed System for SI & CI Enginea) Different Types of Fuel Pumps
b) Characteristics of Fuel
c) Cummins & Detroit Diesel Injection
d) Glow Plugs e) MPFI & CRDI System
Types of Ignition System for Petrol Engine
Requirement of Engine Cooling/ Systems and Components of Coolinga) Air Cooling and Wet Cooling
b) Thermostate, Radiator Pressure Cap
Engine Lubricating Systema) Types and uses of Lubrication System
b) Lubricating Oil, Oil Additives, Synthetic Oils, etc.
Types of Engine Emission Control Systema) Standards Euro and Bharat, EGR vs SCR, DPF
Basic of Electronic Diesel Control Systema) CRDI system, HEUI, Sensors, Actuators and ECU
Charging, Starting, Lighting System
Types of Marine & Stationary Engine
Engine Trouble Shooting and its Remedies


Introduction & Overview of Trade
Importance of Safety/ Electrical Safety in Automotive Shops
Classification/ Description/ Care of General Hand Tools and Equipment
Measuring Tools and Precision Equipment
Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Components
Operational Knowledge of Hydraulics & Pneumaticsa) Pascal’s law, pressure, force, viscosity.
b) Gear pumps, cylinders, valves, etc.
c) Symbols, air compressors, air services, etc.
d) Flow control valves, pneumatic symbols, etc.
Vehicle Classification
Central Motor Vehicle Rules
Introduction and Classification of Engines (IC & EC)a) Internal & External Combustion Engines
b) Description, classification, and principles
c) Engine Components & Special Tools
Various Types of Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition System
Description and Types of Engine Intake and Exhaust Systema) Turbo Charger, Super Charger, etc.
b) Catalytic Converters, Electronics mufflers, etc.
c) Air Compressors, Exhauster, Intercoolers, etc.
Engine Lubricating Systema) Types and Uses of Lubrication System
b) Lubricating Oil & Oil Additives, Synthetic Oils, etc.
Requirement of Engine Cooling/ Systems and Components of Coolinga) Air Cooling and Wet Cooling
b) Thermostat, Radiator Pressure Cap, etc.
c) Coolant Characteristics
Types of Fuel Feed System for SI & CI Enginea) Different Types of Fuel Pumps
b) Characteristics of Fuel
c) Cummins & Detroit Diesel Injection
d) Glow Plugs e) MPFI & CRDI System
Electronic Control Module System
Emission Control System
Transmission Systema) Detailed Study of Different types of Clutch
b) Detailed Study of Various Types of Gearboxes
c) Propeller Shaft and Different Joints
d) Torque Converter
e) Automatic & Continuously Variable Transmission System (CVT)
f) Detailed Study of Various Differential Gear Systems
Front Wheel, Rear Wheel & Four Wheel Drive Systema) Stub-axle
b) King pin, Caster, camber
c) Toe in – Toe out
d) Types of Differential Gearboxes
Steering Geometry- Steering Systems & Power Steeringa) Steering Basics- Principles of steering, rack and pinion, recirculation ball & nut;
b) Steering boxes, columns, and wheel alignment fundamentals
Suspension and Types of Suspension SystemsSuspension Principles- Suspension force, springs, shock absorbers
Wheels & Tyresa) Wheel types, tyre types, and characteristics
b) Tyre construction, sizes, and designations
Braking Systems- Air, Hydraulic and Pneumatica) Principles, types, and Components of Braking System
b) Drum and disc brakes, braking components
c) Antilock braking system with EBD, Electronic Control Units, and other technologies
EFI Engine Managementa) Overview of EFI
b) Modes of EFI, electronic fuel injection
c) EFI sensors and wiring diagrams
Charging, Starting, Lighting Systems
Accessories and Safety Systemsa) Vehicle Accessories: Horn, wiper, power window circuits,Airbags, seatbelts, tyre pressure monitoring system etc.
b) Safety Systems: Integrated communications, proximity sensors, Antitheft System, Immobilizer System, etc.
Battery Management System
Electrical Vehicle/ Hybrid & Electronic Vehicles/ Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle
Vehicle Troubleshooting and its Remedies


Introduction to Plumbing and Safety– Importance of safety and general precautions in plumbing trade.
– Scope of plumbing work and planning services.
Basic Bench Fitting– Plumber’s common hand tools, holding devices, cutting tools, and simple fitting operations.
– Types of files, marking instruments, and simple drilling machine.
– Grinding, chisel, locking, and fastening devices.
Pipe and Fittings Basics– Types of pipes (GI, CI, DI, PVC/CPVC, PPR, HDPE, etc.).
– Different types of pipe fittings.
– Thread cutting.
Gas Welding– Purpose and method of gas welding.
– Safety precautions.
Mason’s Works and Building Plan– Mason’s hand tools and their uses.
– Concept of bricks, lime, cement.
– Mortars preparation, brick joints, and bonds.
– Scaffolding, plastering, Plain Cement Concrete, RCC, and water-proofing compound.
Plumbing Tools, Equipment and Symbols– Description and use of plumber tools and equipment.
– Pipe bending methods, plumbing symbols, and codes.
– Equipment and tools for hot gas welding and electric hot plate for PPR pipes joints.
Water Composition and Supply– Composition of water, sources, hard and soft water.
– Water purification, pressure, expansion, Bernoulli’s principle, Pascal’s law.
– Water hammer, hummed pipes, laying out pipes, and various pipe joints.
Plumbing Materials and Water Supply System– Description of plumber’s materials.
– Water supply system, types of pumps, and water contamination.
– Pipe dies, metric specifications, and joining materials for water and gas pipes.
Drainage System and Testing– Inspection chamber, septic tank, drains, cesspools, soaks pits, etc.
– Types of traps, drainage system layout, and testing.
– Bending pipes by hot and cold process, and testing of drainage lines.
Valve Maintenance and Plumbing Symbols– Dismantling and renewal of valves and pipes.
– Installation of water meter, air lock removal.
– Description of cocks, valves, diverts, and sensor systems.
– Erecting rainwater and drainage pipe systems.
– Bending galvanized and heavy pipes.
Heating and Ventilation– Concept of heat and temperature.
– Transmission of heat.
– Heating systems, hot and cold water layout, and specification of materials.
– Ventilating pipes, precautions against air poisoning, tracing leakage.
– Fixing solar water systems.
Plumbing Codes, Corrosion and Layouts– Plumbing and sanitary symbols and codes.
– Corrosion causes, remedies, prevention, and effects.
– Layout of pipes, drawing analysis, quantity measurement, and abstract rate for plumbing and sanitary work.
Bill of Quantity and Estimation– Preparation of bill of quantity.
– Estimation for plumbing and sanitary work.

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician

  1. General and Electrical Safety Precautions, Fire Fighting Equipment and First Aid.
  2. Different types of Fitting hand tools, Measuring equipment and their uses, Marking, Sawing, Grinding, Drilling, Reaming and Threading.
  3. Sheet metal Tools, Sheet cutting & Banding, Joints of Sheet and Riveting.
  4. Basic Electrical and its terms, electric measuring instruments, earthing.
  5. Identification and working of Electronic Components and Semi- Conductors.
  6. Basic principle and Type of Gas Welding, Brazing, Soldering. Uses of flux and related safety.
  7. Tools and Equipment Use In Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Trade, Fundamentals and Principle of Basic Refrigeration, thermodynamics and related science, History of refrigeration, Types of refrigeration system & Cycles.
  8. Function, construction, working of different types of Refrigerator and study of Electric and electronic components, trouble shooting. (Single Door, Double Door, Three & Four Door, Direct Cooled, Frost Free)
  9. Function, construction and working of different types of Compressors like hermetic, Commercial Compressors and Lubrication systems andlubricants and Capacity control etc.
  10. Function, construction and working principle of Single & Three Phase Electric Motors and starters. Fans, Blowers uses in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning systems.
  11. Classification, nomenclature and Properties of Refrigerants. Safe handing, leak detection method, Recovery and Recycling of Refrigerants, Retrofitting with Eco friendly or ozone friendly Refrigerants.
  12. Types and thermodynamics Properties and uses of Thermal Insulations Materials in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
  13. Different types of Air Conditioning Systems like Window AC, Split Air Conditioner (Wall / floor / Cassette / Ducted Multi Split AC / Inverter Split AC, VRF/VRV)and Installation method. Package air conditioner, commercial and Central Air Conditioning Systems (Direct and indirect).
  14. Types and construction of Air Ducts and Dampers, Grills, celling diffusers and measuring of air flow etc. A.H.U. and F.C.U. used in RAC
  15. Types and uses of Air Filters.
  16. Construction, working & servicing of Condensers (Air, water, Combination of air & Water Cooled).Types, working& Servicing of Cooling Towers, Range and approach of cooling tower, All type of Water circulating pump.
  17. Cause for water contamination and Water Treatment.
  18. Function, construction, working of different types of Refrigerant control devices i.e. Capillary, float valve and Expansion Valves and their uses.
  19. Construction, working, Types & servicing of Evaporators and Chillers.
  20. Accessories – Use of Filters/ Drier, Safety valve & plugs, Heat Exchanger, Receiver, Oil separator, Accumulator, liquid line indicator etc.
  21. Various cooling Appliances – Water Cooler and Water Dispenser, Visible Cooler and Bottle Cooler, Ice candy Plant and Ice Plant, Deep freezer, Ice cube machine, Softy machine their Function, construction, working method and Trouble Shooting.
  22. Study of components, operations and types of Walk-in cooler, Reach in Cabinet & Cold Storages their Function, construction, working method and Trouble Shooting.
  23. Servicing, Wiring, fault finding and remedies, leak testing, flushing, evacuate, Refrigerant charging, and repairing, all types of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning System.
  24. Psychometric terms and Heat load calculation, Use of Psychometric chart.
  25. Controls and Maintenance – Temperature and pressure control, maintenance scheduling and preventive maintenance.
  26. Various Components and cycle uses in car, bus and Train Air Conditioning and trouble shooting.
  27. Planning for preventive maintenance of different large and AC and Ref.
    Plant. Maintain log book.


Standards and Codes in Electrical System– Concept of Standards and BIS/ISI.
– Tools and their specifications.
– Electrical & Electronics symbols.
– Introduction to National Electrical Code-2011.
Fundamentals of Electricity– Current, voltage, power, resistors, and capacitors.
– Generation of electricity.
– Electrical conductors and insulators.
– Types of Electrical joints and soldering techniques.
Laws and Circuits in Electricity– Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws.
– Electrical (Series and parallel) circuits and applications.
– Magnetic Circuits- Terms, materials, and properties.
– Electrostatics and capacitors.
AC Systems and Circuits– Inductive and capacitive reactance. Series and parallel circuits.
– Comparison of DC and AC systems.
– Sine wave, phase, and phase difference.
– Frequency, power factor, impedance, etc.
– Three-phase system concepts.
Electrical Wiring and Accessories– I.E. Rules on electrical wiring.
– Electrical Wiring accessories.
– Different Types of domestic, industrial and control panel wirings.
– Earthing-Importance, Method ,Earth resistance & IEE regulations.
– Lightning arrestor.
Different type of Electrical Instruments and Measurements– Electrical measuring instruments-Classification and its uses.
– PMMC and Moving iron instruments.
– Instrument Transformer.
Renewable Energy Concepts– Non-renewable and Renewable energy.
– Advantages of renewable energy resources.
– Solar energy fundamentals and applications.
– Sunlight spectrum.
Solar Photovoltaic System– Semiconductor types and properties.
– Conversion of solar radiation to electricity.
– Solar cell characteristics and I-V curve, PV Modules- types, uses.
– Solar PV array & Load calculation.
Solar PV System Components– Solar panel, terminal and connectors.
– Charge controllers, inverter, Battery.
– Fundamentals and types of Battery.
– Troubleshooting batteries and charge controllers.
– Inverter-normal & solar types, working, and controls.
– Block & SLD (Single Line Diagram) of solar PV System.
– IEC standard for solar PV system.
Wind Power and Other Renewable Energy– Components of wind turbine generators.
– Windmill principles and types.
– Small hydroelectricity generation.
– Basics of renewable energy resources.
Solar Energy Applications– Solar water treatment, air conditioning, agricultural products and technologies, cookers, sprinklers, distillation etc.
– National and international energy policies.
– Solar rooftop business models.


Soft Skills and Safety Practices– Soft skills in the job area.
– Safety practices, precautions, first aid, and emergency response.
– Housekeeping and 5-S concepts.
– Health, safety, and environmental regulations.
– Workshop safety rules and material handling equipment.
Measurement and Marking– Measurement standards and measuring tools.
– Marking systems and marking tools.
Hand Tools and Equipment– Various types of hand tools and equipment and their uses.
Cutting Tools and Machinery– Various types of cutting tools and their uses.
– Types of drill and drilling machine operations.
– Classification of drill machines.
– Cutting speed, cutting feed, depth of cut, and calculations.
Introduction to Lathe and its Components and Operation– Classification and different parts of a lathe.
– Various types of lathe operations.
Lathe Cutting Tools and Accessories– Lathe cutting tool types and specifications.
– Lathe accessories and their functions.
Precision Measuring Instrument and Gauges– Various types of precision measuring instruments and their uses.
– Types of gauges and their uses.
– Sine bar, uses, and calculation methods.
Threads and Thread Cutting Techniques and Knurling Process– Types of screw threads and applications.
– Knurling techniques and lathe mandrel types.
Limit, Fit, Tolerances and Interchangeability– Concepts of interchangeability and limit, fit, and tolerance standards.
Jig and Fixtures– Types of jigs and fixtures and their uses.
Surface Finish– Surface finish symbols used on blueprints (IS system).
– Lapping and honing process.
Soldering, Welding and Brazing Processes– Fundamentals of soldering and brazing types, tools, and techniques.
– Types of welding, tools, equipment, machinery, and welding techniques.
– Types of welding joints.
Tool Materials– Cutting tool materials.
– Preventive maintenance and care of tools, equipment, and machinery.
– Lubricants and lubrication methods.
Grinding Machines and Grinding Wheel– Grinder, grinding wheel types, properties, and classifications.
CNC Machine– Basics of CNC technology, programming, axes and control systems, cutting parameters.
Heat Treatment– Various types of heat treatment and processes.
– Different types of metal and their use in engineering applications.
Interchangeability, Technical English Terms and Drawing Interpretation– Understanding the concept of interchangeability and quality control procedures.
– Importance of technical English terms used in industry communication.
– Interpretation of part drawings, tolerances, and geometric symbols.
Automatic Lathe and Related Theory– Automatic lathe components, types, and different tools used.
– Related theoretical concepts and calculations in automated turning processes.


Fundamentals of Welding– Safety precautions in welding processes.
– Introduction and definition of welding.
Arc and Gas Welding Techniques– Arc and gas welding equipment, accessories, tools.
– Various welding processes and their applications.
– Types of welding joints, edge preparation, fit-up, metal joining methods.
– Surface cleaning, basic electricity, and heat-related terms.
– Arc and gas welding terms and definitions, principles, characteristics, arc welding defects.
Oxy-Acetylene Gas Welding– Gas welding systems and techniques (high and low pressure).
– Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting equipment and parameters.
– Arc/gas welding symbols, terms, and definitions, filler rod, fluxes, etc.
Welding Positions and Symbols– Welding positions as per EN & ASME.
– Welding symbols as per BIS & AWS.
– Weld slope and rotations, arc length, polarity, arc blow, weld gauges, and their uses.
Gas Brazing & Soldering– Principles, types, fluxes, and uses.
– Gas welding defects, causes, and remedies, and flashback arrester.
– Calcium carbide, acetylene, oxygen, and other fuel gases.
Electrode Types and Weld-ability– Types, functions, coating factor, sizes, and specifications.
– Effects of moisture pick-up, storage, and baking of electrodes.
Welding of Different Materials– Weldability of metals, pre & post-heating.
– Welding low, medium, and high carbon steel and alloy steels.
– Stainless steel, induction welding, brazing of copper tubes, and weld decay.
– Brass and copper welding methods, aluminum properties, weldability, cast iron properties, and methods.
Inspection and Classification– Types and methods of inspection, destructive and NDT.
– Welding economics and cost estimation.
Gas Metal Are Welding (GMAW)– Introduction, advantages, and limitations.
– Process variables, wire feed system, and welding wires.
– Shielding gases, flux-cored arc welding, and edge preparation.
Other Welding Processes– Submerged arc welding, thermit welding, friction welding.
– Laser beam welding, plasma arc welding, resistance welding.
– Metalizing types, manual oxy-acetylene powder coating.
Advanced Techniques and Applications– Reading assembly drawings, WPS, and PQR.
– Hard facing/surfacing, plastic welding with a hot air gun.
– Various plastic materials: Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE), and Polyvinylchloride (PVC).
Pipe and Plate Welding– Specifications of pipes, types, joints.
– Difference between pipe and plate welding.
Gas Tungsten Are Welding (GTAW)– Argon, helium gas properties, difference between AC/DC GTAW welding.
– GTAW AC/DC welding equipment, polarities, and applications.
– Tungsten electrodes, torches, filler rod types, uses, and selection criteria.
– Edge preparation, fit-up, and other GTAW processes.
Plasma Cutting– Plasma arc cutting processes, equipment, principle, and types of plasma arc.


Occupational Safety & Health– Safety rules, signs, and emergency response.
– Basic injury prevention, first aid, fire & fire extinguishers, hazard identification, and PPEs.
– Effects of electric current on humans and reasons for shock.
– Waste materials disposal procedure.
Standards and Tools Familiarization– Concept of Standards and advantages of BIS/ISI.
– Familiarization with signs, symbols, and 5S concept.
– All kinds of hand tools, safety precautions, and their specifications & descriptions.
Wire Joints and Basic Electricity– Properties of conductors, inductors, and semiconductor, fundamentals of electricity.
– Types of wires & cables, wire joints, and insulators.
– Voltage grading, solders, flux, and soldering techniques.
Power Systems– National Electrical Code, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, series/parallel circuit.
– Power system components, laws of resistance.
– Magnetism, electro-magnetism, and AC/DC systems, terms, faraday’s law, Lenz’s law.
– Measurement instruments, PMMC, Moving iron instruments.
– Description of MRI.
Power System Components and Earthing– Generation, transmission, and distribution.
– Switchgear, protection and types of substations.
– Earthing importance, rules, and systems, types, advantages.
– Substation their equipment’s, switchgears, protection system, etc.
DC Machines and Transformers– Ac and Dc generator and motor – construction, working principle, types and their applications.
– Characteristics, starter and speed control method DC generators and motors, types constriction working and their application.
– AC motors, starters, and alternators.
– Transformer – types constriction testing CT & PT.
Control Panel Wiring and Cable Management– Control panel components and wiring.
– Cable forming, connections, and testing.
– Cable Joint and Types of cable.
Battery, Solar Cell, and Commercial Wiring– Solar cell principles, and applications.
– Commercial wiring in buildings.
– Cell & Battery types, connection, care and maintenance.
Industrial Wiring and Cable Testing– Industrial wiring, loads, and lighting design.
– Cable testing, types, glands, IP ratings, and bonding.
Illumination & Stage Light Control– Laws of Illuminations, types, and factors.
– Terms of illuminations.
– Various lamps, and LED applications.
CFL/LED Lamps & DC Regulated Power Supply– Resistors, diodes, rectifier circuits, Transistor & other all electronic components.
– CFL/LED circuits, safety, and disposal.
– Colure code of register and characteristic.
Solar Power Plant and Underground Cable Joints– Solar energy fundamentals, applications.
– Underground cable types, joints, and testing.
– Circuit and description of solar equipment’s.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging– Overview of electric vehicles.
– EV charging basic theory and safety requirements.
Domestic Appliances and Winding– Working principles of domestic appliances.
– Neutral and Earth concepts.
– Winding principles and troubleshooting.
– Winding material and testing.
Estimation, Costing, and Smart Wiring– Principles of estimation and costing.
– Smart wiring concept, permit procedure.


Introduction to Cosmetology– Cosmetology as a Career
– Interactive Skills
Professional Ethics
Salon Hygiene and Safety– Client Consultation
– Telephone Etiquettes
– Sterilization and Sanitization
– Safety Precautions
Hair Removal Techniques– Temporary Removal of Superfluous Hair
– Hair Growth Cycle
– Epilation and Depilation Methods
– Product Knowledge
– Threading, Tweezing, and Bleaching
– Safety Precautions
Manicure, Pedicure, and Nail Art– Anatomy of Nail
– Nail Diseases and Disorders
– Manicure and Pedicure Procedures
– Nail Art Techniques
– Aftercare/Home Care
– Safety Precautions
Facials and Skin Care– Anatomy of Skin
– Common Skin Problems
– Massage Techniques
– Facial Procedures
– Skin Analysis
– Safety Precautions
Hair Care– Structure of Hair and Hair Science
– Hair Growth Cycle
– Common Hair Problems
– Hair Cutting and Blow-Dry Techniques
Yoga and Meditation– Yoga Components
– Yogic Diet
– Suksham Vayayam
– Surya Namaskar
– Meditation
Makeup Artistry– Skin Structure
– Effects of Light on Makeup
– Color Theory
– Types of Makeup
– Makeup Application Techniques
– Safety Precautions
Hair Styling– Knowledge of Facial Shapes
– Hairstyling Types
– Thermal Styling
– Artificial Aids
– Hair Cleaning and Maintenance
– Safety Precautions
Hair Coloring– Science of Color
– Hair Color Classification
– Types of Hair Color
– Coloring Techniques
– Product Knowledge
– Safety Precautions
Straightening, Rehanding, and Smoothening– Definition and Knowledge of Hair Structure
– Bonds and Client Consultation
– Scalp Analysis
– Procedure Steps
– Aftercare/Homecare
– Safety Precautions
Indian Traditional Beauty Concepts– Safety Precautions
– Heena designing, Temporary Tattoo making & Saree drapping
– Contra-Actions
– Contra-Indications


Introduction– Safety precautions and first aid training
Tools and Terminology– Importance, usage, and safety of trade-related tools
– Measuring tools, Drafting tools, Marking tools, Cutting tools, Sewing tools & Finishing tools
Fabric Fundamentals– Brief overview of fibers
– Types of fabrics
– Selection of needle and thread based on fabric types –
Fabric preparation for cutting, Fabric grain, Selvedge, Shrinkage & Straightening the fabric
– Measurements, units and measuring techniques
Marketing Research– Define the problem and research objectives
– Developing marketing research planning
– Collecting needed information
– Implementing marketing research plan
Sewing Machine Basics– Basic sewing machine parts and functions
– Sewing machine practice, care and maintenance
– Types of industrial sewing machines
– Overlock machine parts, functions, practice, care and maintenance
– Garment analysis and troubleshooting
Seams and Finishing Techniques– Basic seams
– Classification and uses
– Properties of seams and seam finishes
– Sewing aids: presser feet, folders & guides
– Introducing fullness stitching precautions
Hems, Casing, and Edge Finishing– Types and uses of hems
– Casing introduction and use
– Edge finishing techniques: facings, bindings & pipings
Necklines, Plackets, Pockets, Darts, Pleats…– Different neckline shapes
– Placket types and sample makings
– Types of pockets and design variations
– Type and Uses of Darts, pleats, tucks, gathering, shiring & frills
Collars, Sleeves, and Trimmings– Collar classification and terms
– Sleeve classification and length variation
– Sample making of sleeves with and without cuffs
– Trimmings: types and applications
Buttons, Hooks, Mending, and Buttonholes– Fixing of buttons, hooks, etc.
– Mending techniques: darning, patching
– Making buttonholes
Pattern Drafting and Human Figures– Drafting and developing patterns for ladies’ suits
– Human figures, eight-head theory, joints, and muscles
– Body measurements: importance, types, techniques, precautions
– Measurement charts and records alteration as per customer requirements
Patterns, Layout, and Drafting Techniques– Importance of patterns
– Pattern information and types of spreading
– Pattern layout methods/machines
– Drafting/Pattern principles and terminology
Pressing, Trial Room, and Sketching– Pressing tools, methods, and importance
– Trial room necessity, specifications, and sketching
– Drafting of Sari Petticoat
Mass Production and Finishing– Mass production process and sequence of operations
– Types of cutting machines and fusing technology
– Types of industrial machines used in the sewing section
– Finishing techniques
– Chest measurement system
Sketching and Drafting of Garments– Sketching and drafting of ladies kurtis, tops/shorts, ladies suits and nightwear
– Sketching and drafting of garments for newborns, toddlers and kids
Garment Production Process– Pattern making, fabric estimation, cutting, sewing, pressing and folding
– Design variations for kurta & pyjama, casual shirts & trousers
Laundry Stains and Quality Control– Classification and removing techniques for laundry stains
– Quality control: definition, need, planning, types of inspection, stages of inspection, role of quality controller
– Wash, Care, symbols & Stains removing techniques table


Introduction to Computers and Safe Working Practices– Overview of Safe working practices and safety rules
– Assembling Desktop PC, Installing basic application software and Windows OS, Booting process, Hardware and Software troubleshooting
– Understanding the scope of the COPA trade
Computer Components and Operating Systems– Components of a computer and their functions
– Introduction to Windows OS and its main features
DOS and Linux Operating System– Command line interface (DOS and LINUX) – Basic DOS commands and Linux features
– Understanding DOS, Linux commands, and file systems
Word Processing Software– Applications in MS Office
– Creating, saving, formatting, and printing documents using Word Processing Software
– Working with objects, macros, mail merge, templates, and other tools in Word
Data visualization or analysis using MS-Excel– Introduction to Excel features and data types
– MS Excel functions, cell referencing, and linking sheets
– MS Excel revision, lookup functions, and cell naming
– Custom formatting, protection, Macros, Charts, pivot tables, power queries, and power BI
MS-Power Point Presentation– Creating, modifying, saving, sharing, and configuring presentations
– Formatting presentations, managing tables and bulleted text, hyperlinks, managing graphic elements
– Managing Audio & Video elements
– Managing transitions, animations, slide show, and collaboration
Database Management System– Database concepts, DBMS, RDBMS, primary key, foreign key, and normalization rules
– SQL Queries and Functions – Using the DDL, DML, and DCL statements
– Transactions, ACID properties, and constraints
– Joining tables, subqueries, and various SQL functions
Communicating in a Connected World– Understanding local networks and network devices
– Explaining the concept of network communication
– Introduction to the internet, web browsers, and search engines
Computer Network and Web Design– Computer Network, Setup, and configure a Computer Network and Web Page Design Concepts
– Using the internet, setting up internet access and communication
– Static and dynamic web pages
– Creating web pages using HTML, CSS, and open source CMS – Introduction to JavaScript for web development, JavaScript and embedding JavaScript in HTML pages
– Creating a dynamic website using an open source tool
E-Commerce, Cyber Security, and Cloud Computing– Browsing E-Commerce sites to identify products and services, introduction, operations, payment gateways, and security issues
– Cybersecurity overview, protecting information, computers, and networks from viruses, spyware, and other malicious code, and compliance with IT Act
– Cloud computing benefits, working with cloud services, web hosting in cloud application development life cycle
Programming in Python and Java (Command Line)– Data types, operators, control flow with decisions and loops, document and structure code
– Performing operations using modules and tools
– Object-Oriented Programming with Java language, Flow control
– Classes, Overloading, and Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java
– Troubleshooting Java issues

आवश्यक लिंक्स


हमने इस आर्टिकल में राजस्थान कनिष्ठ अनुदेशक के पदों पर सिलेक्ट होने के लिए राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड द्वारा आयोजित की जाने वाली कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा के लिए सभी पदों के अनुसार सिलेबस और एग्जाम पैटर्न की विस्तृत जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाई है।

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IGN एक ब्लॉगर है जो नौकरी समाचार और करियर विकास से संबंधित सभी चीजों में गहरी रुचि रखता है। इनके द्वारा देश में सरकारी अथवा प्राइवेट सेक्टर में नौकरी के लिए जारी नोटिफिकेशन और अन्य जानकारियां आम जनता और युवाओं तक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से पहुंचाई जाती है।

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